Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Little Giggle

This is another piece I wrote intended for writers, although,it can relate to everyone and everything in a humorous way.Today decided to add some of my jokes along with my quotes because as they say, laughter is the best medicine.And though I am quite sure that everyone could find it this quote-joke funny,this particular joke is for writers so it is easier for writers to understand the actual humor behind it.Hope you enjoy................I just wanted everyone to know that I am really an angel in disguise.While in heaven, I decided to give it a go at being a human for a while because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, although, admittedly, before I did come to this decision, I told God I wanted to write a book and he told me that if I did, only humans would be stupid enough to read it. So here I am...writing my book...I sure hope he was right!

1 comment:

Mystify said...

Thanks for the visit! I will do likewise. Cheers.


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